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cito: quickly
Part of speech:adverb
Example sentence:Levis est fortuna: id cito reposcit quod dedit.
Sentence meaning:Fortune is fickle: it quickly demands back what it gave.

This word has not had a large influence on English but here are some examples.

cite (v.)

mid-15c., "to summon, call upon officially," from Old French citer "to summon" (14c.), from Latin citare "to summon, urge, call; put in sudden motion, call forward; rouse, excite," frequentative of ciere "to move, set in motion, stir, rouse, call, invite" from PIE root *keie- "to set in motion, to move to and fro."
Sense of "call forth a passage of writing, quote the words of another" is first attested 1530s. Related: Citedciting.

Citation, recite, & related words. 
