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genus: kind, sort.
Is that word important in modern English?
Genus:  The level immediately above species in biological classification systems.  An example would Wolf, Canus Lupis.  Canus is the name of the genus Lupis is the species.  The plural of genus is genera which has led to the popular use of the word generic as in generic drugs. 

A related word, gene (to birth or beget) has had a much greater impact on our language,
 Antigone; autogenous; benign; cognate; congener; congenial; congenital; connate; cosmogony; cryogenic; degenerate; engender; engine; epigone; eugenics; -gen; gendarme; gender; gene; genealogy; general; generate; generation; generic; generous; genesis; -genesis; genial; -genic; genital; genitive; genius; genocide; genotype; genre; gens; gent; genteel; gentile; gentle; gentry; genuine; genus; - geny; germ; german, oxygen, nitrogen. 
From the Online Etymological Dictionary*gene-?ref=etymonline_crossreference
